Synopsis: Fully updated and presented in a striking slipcase, this fascinating all-in-one guide introduces you to the art, history, and culture of photography, and shows you how to get the very best from your photographs.
A comprehensive guide to all things photographic, Photography opens with a gallery of more than 30 of the key figures in photography, from 19th-century pioneers to famous photographers working today. The gallery provides fascinating contrasts between such diverse genres as art photography, reportage, portrait, and wildlife photography. The book then tells the story of photography, from its “garden shed” beginnings to the rise of the “selfie” today.
The second half of the book introduces cameras, accessories, and software, explaining what they can do and how to use them, then shows how to take better photographs by mastering the technical aspects of your camera; experimenting with composition, colour and light; and digitally enhancing your photos. Inspirational masterclasses covering all genres of photography – landscape, portraits, wildlife, architecture, art – also provide you with an opportunity to apply your newfound skills in a clear and practical way. The section also gives expert advice on showing your work and how to become a professional photographer yourself.
Why I Like This
First, as with all DK books, this is a beautifully presented book, even more so because the photography is absolutely stunning, and the book is beautifully presented inside a slipcase, with an illustration like a camera, making it even more special.
The content is comprehensive, including:
Gallery of Photographers – A-Z of some of the most influential photographers
The Story of Photography – From the dawn of photography to the digital revolution
Photographic Tools – The camera, Camera Accessories, Setting up a Darkroom, B/W processing and printing
Elements of Photography – Art of Composition, Using Colour, Working in Black/White, Using Lenses, Filters
Taking Successful Photographs
Working with Digital Images
Taking Photography Further
What this book gives is both information and inspiration, from the factual to how to create the most stunning photography. With a passion for photography, I particularly loved the section on the elements of photography – how to experiment with composition, colour and light, and the masterclasses covering all genres of photography – landscape, portraits, wildlife, architecture, art.
Photography as a discipline has evolved in so many different ways, and students in school and college will find this a very useful reference book. From a historical perspective this is also a useful source of tracing the development of photography.
Whether you are interested in photography yourself, or wish to gift someone with a delightful gift this is a wonderful addition to the collection of anyone interested in photography. Highly Recommended!
Photography: History. Art. Technique – Tom Ang – Published by DK